Stop 2 on our busy day was Chinatown. It was a couple of stops on the train from Fort Canning and therefore easily accessed.
We walked along the main street heading for the Hawkers Market (below) for lunch.
The market was exactly as the tourist guides had described... Hectic! So hectic, in fact, that we couldn't find a table to sit down, let alone choose a food vendor. Eventually, we gave up and went to find a more peaceful, if more expensive restaurant down one of the many side streets.
After lunch we explored Chinatown a bit more. The side streets were full of small market stalls, intermingled with restaurants.
A number of the buildings are painted with elaborate depictions of life in Chinatown early last century.
The centre piece of Chinatown is the Budda Tooth Relic Temple (above). It is quite the achitectural work of art.
With Chinatown explored, we headed for the metro station (above) as the next activity was in the zoo precinct in the northern part of the island.