Saturday 8 March 2008

Life returns to Cowtown

Calgary has had a fairly brutal, but short winter this year. Last year apparently had record snowfalls, but this year has been crap for the ski resorts. In contrast, the east coast has been belted by snow and it's still going.
We've had some nice weather the last month and the birds have started to come back, starting with the Canada Geese (unfortunately they're the most annoying noisy bloody things!).
After months of being frozen, the rivers have started to defrost and flow again. Big chunks of ice break off and float downstream. These sometimes get stuck along to way (above).
Close behind the Canada Geese were the ducks. The Yellow Eyed Ducks (above) are the smaller variety of the ones I've seen.
I don't think I've been anywhere in the world that doesn't have mallard ducks. The North Americans seem to have an obsession with shooting at them (along with everything else that moves including each other.)
The plants are waking up as well. There are little signs all over the place that winter's strangle hold is releasing.