Tuesday 25 December 2007

My First White Christmas

This is the gang I spent my first white Xmas with. Unfortunately Kerri had to work (nursing's a tough gig), so the last thing I was going to do, was mope around the house by myself.
What better way to spend Xmas than to head for the mountains & go snowboarding for the day? My fellow orphans from left to right; Shane (West Oz), Canne (Nova Scotia), Todd (Alberta) & Dale (West Oz). We all have our reasons for being orphans at Xmas, but none of us were complaining one little bit. It even snowed for us.
All of us except Dale had been to Lake Louise the day before as well. We had two great days with a heap or fresh snow around. I tagged along with Todd most of the time. He's been skiing for as long as he can remember & it forced me to do a few things outside my comfort zone. This was good because I improved so much over the last couple of days. I even conquered a couple of Black Diamond runs for the first time.
In all, not a bad way to spend Xmas. It was just a shame Kerri had to work.