Monday 4 February 2008

Minus Stupid

Last week was bloody cold here in Calgary.

Monday morning we woke up to -32 with a wind chill factor dragging it down to -48! It only got up to -27 during the day. Tuesday a.m. was -34 & the top that day was -27 again. Wednesday morning was more of the same with -30. Finally by the afternoon was up to -15, but it's hardly a reprieve & -24 overnight wasn't either. The overnight temps were down around the -25 for the rest of the week & it wasn't until the weekend that it backed off during the day to -5. It's been a full week since the minimum temp was above -20.

I've been OK with the cold to this point, but once you get under -25, it's just plain nasty! You cover up every last bit of exposed skin, but you can't protect your eyes. They water like crazy to combat the stinging cold & the dry air. The biggest problem with that is that your eyelashes stick together. Makes it a bit hard to see.

Tomorrow's top temp prediction is -2! About time!