Monday 5 November 2007

Snow in Calgary

Remember the photo of our lovely green leafy street? Well, it's become decidedly colder over the last few weeks. The leaves turned yellow & then dropped off. This morning we woke up to this sight. It's snowed a few times before now, but this is the first time it's still been snowing in the daylight. It's still snowing now & doesn't look like letting up in the short term. The predicted top temperature today is +1 C. That remains to be seen.
The only time I've seen this before coming to Canada has been at ski resorts in New Zealand. It's pretty cool for an Aussie who doesn't see much snow. The locals hate it!

The snow's coming down heavier now & not just as tiny little pin points, but great big fluffy puffs. It's very cool! One thing that occurs to me when comparing rain to snow is that when snow falls, it is completely silent. Not only that, the snow lying around actually muffles other sounds.
Snow's hard to take photos of because the light isn't great & the snow is moving so you just end up with white streaks in the picture. Currently the temperature is -2 & they're predicting -10 for about the time I head off for work tomorrow morning. Oh Joy! Looks like winter has decided to stay.
No matter what the locals say, I like snow. It makes the place look bright & clean. If nothing else, it breaks up the browns of Autumn & Winter. Unfortunately today, once it stopped snowing, the temperature climbed enough for the snow to melt a bit & then everything turned kind of slushy & muddy.
All things going to plan, the ski lifts at Sunshine & lake Louise next weekend. Unfortunately, it may be delayed a week or so due to insufficient coverage at the resorts. We'll see.