Sunday 1 April 2007

During the last week, the Canadian adventure started getting very serious.
We have now booked our flights and have put down a deposit. The flight path is :- Perth - Brisbane - Christchurch - Auckland - Honolulu - San Francisco - Vancouver - Calgary. We leave on May 5 and arrive in Calgary on June 4.
We are currently working on the accommodation. The early parts of the journey are easy thanks to mooching off both of our families in Brisbane and Christchurch.
The other cities have been more difficult. When you have never set foot in the city, you have to make guesses at where the right area is to stay. Then you try to pick a hotel in that area for the right price & quality. The internet is great, but sometimes it can overload you with information. Kerri persisted for many hours, wading through reams of information. We have Hawaii & San Fransisco sorted out now, with Vancouver still to go.

You suddenly realize it is actually happening when money starts getting wiped off your bank accounts. At least it is for a very good cause!