Friday 6 July 2007

Calgary Tower

This is a better shot of the Calgary Tower. No particular significance, just a better shot.

Calgary Stampede Parade

The first major event is the Stampede parade, where they close of two of the main streets in the downtown area & have a series of floats, marching bands, horses etc. All very impressive I'm sure except it's held on a Friday when some of us have to work. Lucky for Kerri, she was able to walk a few blocks from the apartment & check it out. She took a bunch of photos & I've just picked out a few of them.

Canadian Mounties

More from the Parade. Kerri has a thing for the Mounties. She keeps threatening to run off with a cute one. How Rude!

Big Chief Riding-horse

These guys are apparently actual "First Nation people" (as they're called here). They are doing pretty well these days with the oil field royalties coming out of Alberta at the moment.

Mega Poopa Scoopa

With all the horses & other livestock in the parade, they had a street cleaner go past every now & then to clean up after the animals. It's rather cleaver disguising them as floats.