Friday 20 July 2007


Finally! I managed to capture these common, but elusive little creatures. You see them all the time, but they don't sit still long enough for you to pull out your camera & take a snap, let alone a good one. So today I was sitting out on the balcony, having a couple of beers with Kerri & my mate Shawn, when we spotted 3 squirrels down in the courtyard hunting for nuts (as squirrels do).
Shawn is down from Grand Prairie which is about 700kms to the north west of Calgary. I met Shawn in Perth when he was working with us at Hatch for a while.

There seems to be two colour variations of squirrels in Calgary. The one pictured is the grey variety.

This one is the more common black squirrel. Cute aren't they? They're very bold as well. They don't get too worried by people, but they don't exactly hang around unless you have nuts to give them.