Monday 21 January 2019

Sisters Beach


The temperature had climbed considerably by the time we arrived back at Sisters Beach. What better to do with the back end of the afternoon than go to the beach. Harry & I set about trying to dam the creek that empties out onto Sisters Beach.

The project was a bit ambitious & we eventually gave up and went for a swim.

As the sun started to release it's grip on the day, the animals started to appear in the forest around the house (above).

Initially, the birds were getting busy visiting the numorous Kangaroo Paws, including the Eurasian Honey Eaters (above).

This Cuckoo Shrike (above) was busy looking for seeds on the ground.

As the temperature dropped further, the Pademelons started to come out of hiding including this mother & her joey.

Right on dusk, a family of Green Rosellas were flitting between the taller trees.

The animals even found their way inside the house. This little forest scorpion was found in Harry's bed!