Sadly we left the park but not before a lap around the bison paddock. Parks Canada maintains a small herd at Waterton for the benefit of visitors. These guys look like passive grazers, but I assure you they are way more bad tempered than your garden variety moo cows.
We took a different route back to Calgary to the east along Hwy 2. A 15 km divert bought us to the world heritage site, Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump.
It's a slightly disturbing (if your an animal person like me) but very interesting site that has an interpretive centre that helps you to understand how the native people used to hunt these creatures on mass.The actual jump site (above & below) doesn't look like much as but erosion has filled in the valley a little. The cliff is still high enough to kill bison. Thankfully he practice stopped long ago.
Just when we thought we would have a peaceful evening relaxing at Shane's, we were ambushed by some of the work clan who wanted to catch up for a beer. Quite a few of them couldn't make it for drinks the previous weekend. Who am I to be a party pooper?