Monday, 18 September 2023

The Long Hop

Good morning from somewhere off the coast of British Columbia. We've been in the air for 13+ hours on what has been a long but fairly comfortable flight. The Singapore Airlines A350 experience has been very nice with a surprising amount of leg room, comfortable seats, excellent service, access to internet and a smooth ride. Somehow, we all managed to get plenty of sleep. The day coming out of Singapore was very short because we were flying away from the sun and much of the flight was in the dark. With dawn upon us, we are about to start our decent into Seattle. 
This will mess with your head. We arrive in Seattle about an hour after we left Singapore despite flying for 15 hours! We crossed the international dateline during the flight which messes up the clock. In reality, it has been about 20 hours since we left Perth. The adventure starts when we touch down at SEA-TAC.

This epic holiday across the northern part of the US will take us to Seattle, Yellowstone, Chicago, Washington and New York. I'm sure there will be some wonderful stories to tell as this adventure unfolds.

Now we need to try to stay awake until as late as posible this evening to try to beat jet-lag.