Monday 28 January 2019

Hobart Departure?


We packed the car after breakfast and set off for the airport. Our direct flight was due to depart at 10.30am which should have had us touching down in Perth around mid afternoon.

Mum's flight to Brisbane was scheduled half an our before us. With much sadness, we said our goodbyes and off she went.

It all went a bit pear-shaped after that. Boarding was delayed and not long after, we saw that our plane's engine cowel was open. Hobart is a quiet airport with minumal aircraft maintanence facilities so this wasn't a good sign. After a couple of hours, we were re-booked onto an alternate aircraft that didn't leave until late afternoon and was heading to Brisbane, of all places.

We thought we would have to stay overnight at mum's but the connecting flight to Perth landed us at home at 10.30pm Perth time. It was an unfortunate ordeal after an otherwise very enjoyable holiday.