Friday 7 November 2008

Lopez Mendes

3-1/2 hours & 3 steep, slippery climbs after setting off from Abrao, we finally made it to Lopez Mendes. It's quite the nice beach. It nice & wide with fine white sand & clear water.

We donned sunscreen to avoid a repeat performance of the Trinadade sunburn from a couple of days previous. Then we hit the water for some more body surfing. As it turns out, we weren't alone & I don't mean the randoms in board shorts. If you look to the right of the people, you'll see a small head in the water (see the next post to find out the culprit).
There was a group of our travel buddies that were slow off the mark that morning & opted to take the boat around to Enseada Palmas instead of hiking like we did. They arrived not long after we hit the water. It was like a family day at the beach back home.