Monday 7 May 2007

Queensland Art Gallery

Today we went to the Queensland contemporary art gallery. (they call it GoMA but I have no idea what it is an acronym for) There was some rubbish there let me tell you, but also a couple of highlights as well. The photo below is from inside a room of mirrors, water, fluorescent lights & fluro balls. It gives the effect of being surrounded by the universe. One of the other highlights was a bunch of artificial bird's nests made out of shredded American dollar bills.

Some of the art just looked like a slightly organised building site. Check out this one! 4 rocks & 4 bits of plate steel. We made it something by having Kerri & little Ally hold a light Sabre fight in the middle of it. I also got in trouble for leaning on a big log to take a photo of a chandelier. Apparently it was a piece of art! OOPS!!