Sunday 20 January 2019

The Town of Penguin


The drive from Devenport to Sisters Beach didn't have much of interest. We were seemingly hopping from small coastal town to town. Our lunch stop was in the town of Penguin. There is a healthy penguin population that have nests along the local coastline. The towns folk have almost everything penguin themed. Statues (above), street furniture (below),...

Even rubbish bins.

Mysteriously, we didn't see any real penguins.

We eventually reached Sisters Beach late in the afternoon. By then, the temperature was in the high 30s! We had a quick drive around to get the lie of the land. ending up at Rocky Point (below).

The heat was too much, so it was swim time at Sisters Beach. Lost of people were swimming the the stream, but we thought better of it and made the effort to traverse the wide beach and swim in Bass Straight instead. There was just enough of a wave to teach Harry some of the basics of body surfing.