Monday 8 October 2007

Orphans Thanks Giving and Rugby

Today our good friend James (mad Pom in shot) had us orphans (including Shane, Kirsty, Dale, Kerri and me) around for the afternoon for a bit of a thanks giving dinner and rugby watching afternoon. James's friend Shannon (a local) appeared just after the Australia v England game.
Friday, we had all decided that paying $20 cover charge to go to a pub at 7am to watch the rugby live was a bit cheeky so we decided that watching at somebody's house on Sunday was in order. James suggested his place and he would cook up a turkey dinner. DONE! All we had to do was avoid finding out the results of the Aussie and Kiwi rugby games so we could watch them a day and a half later. Shouldn't have been too hard being that most North Americans haven't even heard of rugby. Unfortunately both Kerri and I had spoken to folks back home and before we had a chance to say "Don't tell me the result", it was too late. They know who they are and thanks very much!
Anyway, Kerri and I managed to keep it too ourselves, but it took the fun out of it a bit. James was the only Pom there and was the only one happy about the result. We chased him out of his own house and up the street. He didn't seem to worried. Look at the smile on his head.
Despite the rugby results, we had a time and many thanks to James for his hospitality and for cooking up a storm. Great job mate!
You're a wasted talent in the piping design game.