Wednesday 22 September 2010

Day 6 (Early Morning) - Jasper Surrounds

The clear skies the night before indicated a weather change alright. It was about -5C when we got up in the morning. The car was covered in ice & it took some work with the windscreen wipers to allow me to see out the front to drive!Before breakfast we picked up Shawn & drove to the two lakes behind the Jasper township. It may have been cold, the the sky was pristine & the air was still. Add a little early morning mist & the photos came out a treat.Patricia Lake (above & below).
The moisture from the air the previous day had been frozen to every surface (below).
Pyramid Lake was even more spectacular than Patricia Lake. The red mountain in the background is Pyramid Mountain that can be seen from most parts of the park.Many of the main attractions in Jasper national Park can be seen from Pyramid Lake. Above & below is the range called The Whistlers. The top hut of the Jasper Tramway can be seen below. We would visit that very spot later that afternoon. The sky was so clear that I could take the photos below of Mt Edith Cavell. I would guess it would be 15-20 kms away.