Saturday 8 November 2008

Sugar Loaf

The final stop on the city tour was Sugar Loaf. We had looked down on it from the foot of JC earlier in the afternoon, but when we arrived we were looking up at this towering rock.

The easiest way to reach the top is by taking two cable cars. The first one takes you to the first hump. The the second one takes you up to the peak of its bare volcanic plug.

There are some nice views from the first hump but the weather wasn't being even a bit co-operative. We did take the second cable car to the top, but were shrouded in cloud and saw nothing except what was 3 ft in front of us.

We were returned to our hotel after Sugar Loaf. We had enough time to get organised & re-join the rest of the crew for our final dinner together. It was a smorgasbord meat fest similar to a couple of similar ones we'd been to throughout Brazil, but was a clear winner in the classy stakes. The next day everyone would go their separate ways (and I mean separate!)

Mike was staying on in South America for another 3 months; Nic was heading to New Zealand & Australia for work, Nora & Vincent were headed home to the Emerald Isle; Corina & Sandra, back to Switzerland; Vixy was staying in Rio for a few days then back to the UK; Special K was heading to the UK via New Zealand; and lastly, Hina & Smita were going home to the UK before a trip to India.

It was sad, but I think most of us were ready for a change after spending the last 6 weeks together. Fortunately the Internet makes the world a small place these days. I expect to see at least half of them again at some point.

As for myself, I was done with the trip. I could have hopped a plane back to Calgary that night. After the city tour, Rio didn't hold much interest for me. I'm more a wilderness kinda guy. I was already stressing about trying to get work back in Australia after the news of the economy crashing had filtered to me during the last 2 weeks of the trip. We still had nearly 2 full days to fill in.